

«It Is Not the Strongest of the Species that Survive, But the Most Adaptable »
Charles Darwin

The company is a place of achievements and sometimes also of suffering. Understanding how each person’s project can intersect with the collective project, combining human potential with the company’s objectives, using the formidable reservoir of creativity and knowledge contained in the company, these are the challenges of tomorrow’s companies.

  • • You are introducing a major transformation in your company and you already know that some departments will resist?
  • • Your Co-Director is not aligned with your priorities and choices, and this is felt at every level of the organisation?
  • • You have just experienced a major crisis (due to a wave of layoffs, a health crisis, an economic crisis) and you fear that a gloom and negative state of mind will spread to more and more employees?
  • • Within your company, the old and the new generation do not collaborate sufficiently and this hinders the dynamics of the company?
  • • Are you evolving your company’s business by transforming your product into a business service?
  • • You have just taken over your new position as a company leader and are making radical changes in a short period of time? And you are afraid of not having everyone’s support?

Organizational coaching meets a major need for companies today: to be accompanied in their growth, to remove the obstacles to their development and to identify the sources of their success, to promote reorganisations, the deployment of new systems and the impetus of new projects.

Organisation coaching provides individual and collective solutions to the growing complexity of organisations, their need for collective agility and their need for meaning.

Organizational coaching to:

  • • Prepare and support organizational changes
  • • Help overcome internal organizational blockages
  • • Develop responsible, efficient and agile teams
  • • Facilitate cultural transformations
  • • Engage collective intelligence
  • • Support teams in a cycle of learning experiments
  • • Reinvent new ways of working together
  • • Support and stimulate leaders in the success of their challenges
  • • Innovate governance and organisation
  • • Co-construct a shared vision and ambition for the organisation
  • • Facilitate dialogue, reinject meaning, stimulate innovation
  • • Help the organisation grasp a precise view of its representations and internal mechanisms so that it gets a different perspective of its reality and help it to find the most suitable solutions for its cultural and human context

In organizational coaching, British studies have shown that organisations whose teams are coached benefit from a more collaborative corporate culture than others (+36%), a 32% lower rate of employee departures in the teams concerned and are 18% more likely to improve their results.

How do we achieve this?

A systemic intervention at one or more levels that may include:

  • • Governance
  • • Management team (CoDir)
  • • Managers
  • • Field teams
  • • Stakeholders
  • • Customer approaches

Depending on your request, the size of your organisation and the skills required, we choose a group of organizational coaches to carry out our mission.
The choice to involve several coaches allows us to accompany our clients ethically, and to allow them to benefit from the multiple points of view and experiences that we combine.

How we proceed:

  • • We meet with you to understand your requests, wishes and needs.
  • • We carry out a diagnosis based on interviews with a number of key people who have relevant points of view, and we share the summary with you.
  • • We draw up an intervention program that may combine, depending on the case: Co-Director coaching, managerial coaching, group coaching, individual coaching, co-development and training.
  • • We accompany the company towards its objective according to the external constraints, the vision of their leaders and the creativity of their teams.
  • • We provide you with analyses, advice and solutions to accompany the change

We combine the main techniques of organizational coaching: systemic analysis of the environment, humanist coaching, co-development, social therapy, learning company, narrative approaches, etc.

The support we offer is the result of many years of experience and knowledge of companies in their transversal and global nature.

We are certified organizational coaches and members of the ICF, AICC-HEC Paris and CECORP associations.

We respect the ethics of the profession of organizational coach as defined by these institutions.

Check out our other possibilities of intervention within your company:

Executive Coaching: (click here)

Individual coaching in : (click here)

Professional resourcing : (click here)