
Our response
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Building resilience within your organisation
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Strengthen your corporate culture
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Avoiding burnout of your employees
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Why do organisations
need coaching?

« Freedom, true freedom, does not consist in being able to do everything, but in being able to think everything.

To think in all directions and at all levels at the same time,
without any restriction.

Bertrand Piccard

Companies are constantly changing in a world that is becoming more and more complex (economic pressure, technological challenges, short-term objectives, reorganisations, mergers and acquisitions, financial pressures).

So what are companies doing?


Who are we?

« Never Doubt That a Small Group of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens Can Change the World;
Indeed, It’s the Only Thing That Ever Has »

Margaret Mead (anthropologue et ethnographe)

KISS THAT FROG was created in 2018 to help companies achieve their collective transformations, and what they induce in terms of commitment, vision, leadership, cooperation and humanity.

We work with managers, groups and private individuals.
We also assist companies that wish to develop their corporate culture in its deepest sense so that it is recognized, transmitted, alive and impactful on a daily basis.

The coaching work we do is the fruit of 25 years of observation and implementation of cultural transformations in high performance environments, in France and internationally.

Our Added Value

Our listening skills

Our benevolence

Our belief
in human beings

Our experience
of transformations within organisations

Our availability

Our ability to mobilize
collective intelligence

Our ability to
understand corporate cultures

Our enthusiasm

They trust us